Saturday, January 10, 2015

Viva Paper Towels

I have been a Bounty user for a loooong time. They are great. Growing up I remember using Brawny with the manly lumberjack on the packaging.  Then somewhere along the line my mom switched to Bounty and we never looked back, until recently that is....

I started couponing and kept finding deals on Viva paper towels the quilted ones and they were about as good as Bounty.

Then I accidentally tried the one's that are kind of like a cloth texture. At first I thought they were strange, then I realized just how amazing they were! They were literally reusable! I could wash the dishes then dry my hands on it and still use it while I cooked for other things.  I could clean all my kitchen counters and dust more than a few places.  They rolls literally lasted me twice as long for less money.  I am so impressed with these Viva paper towels. .. not the regular the cloth ones!

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